Where can I put the test tube of the rapid test?

While you are taking the sample from your nose or collecting saliva for the spit test, it is helpful to be able to put the test tube down safely. For this purpose, you will find helpful punch-outs (small holes) on the outer packaging of most tests, into which you can easily place the test tube.

What happens if I drip too much sample liquid into the test cassette?

Depending on the rapid test/self-test, you need to drip 2-4 drops of the test liquid into the well of the test cassette. Please make sure to drip EXACTLY THE NUMBER OF DROPS REQUIRED into the test cassette according to the instructions for use. Too much or too little test fluid may invalidate the test and you will need to retest with a new test kit [...]

How does as much sample material as possible stay in the sample tube?

It is important that you let the stick with the sample soak long enough in the test liquid in the sampling tube. Meanwhile, press it against the wall and the bottom of the tube. Squeeze the tube with your fingers from the outside as you pull the stick out, and swipe the stick along the wall as you pull [...]

What should I do if I have touched the cotton side of the test stick?

It is very important that the cotton side of the test stick remains sterile and is therefore not touched or comes into contact with any objects. The test may otherwise become invalid. Also, do not dip the cotton side of the stick into the test liquid before taking the sample from the nose to avoid skin contact with the test liquid.

Where does the saliva for the spit test have to come from?

Even though this rapid antigen test is colloquially called a "spit test", it is not enough to simply spit into the sachet. The virus cannot be detected so easily in saliva only from the mouth. It is therefore important that the saliva for the spit test comes from the deeper throat, as the virus settles in the pharynx. At the [...]

How often do I have to test myself with the self-test?

The result of the self-test is only meaningful for the day it is taken. It shows whether you are currently contagious. If you have plans for the next day, you have to retest yourself to be really sure that you are not contagious.

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